Why I love Quip- Noy Bar
03/06/2019 (Wed) 04:00 - 05:30
9 / 30
Jane Shih
Event Information

Noy had been working for the past 12 years for corporate America through Mercury Interactive , HP, HP Enterprise and Micro Focus in various roles including R&D, Product Management, Customer Success , Partners and Alliances and Business development. In the past year she has started her own journey of building ThunderAct, a B2B solution for enterprises to learn about insights hidden in the interactions their employees have with customer.

About 3 years ago a startup called Quip (quip.com) reached out to me in LinkedIn and asked to show me their tool. At the time I was looking for a way to build a dashboard for customer success that won't require me to send excel spreadsheets back and forth so it was the right thing at the right time. After about 1.5 years, Quip was acquired by SalesForce though kept its startup nature. When I'm asked how I see Quip I call it 'google docs on steroids'- the way Quip (and me as well I guess) see the business world is that almost every conversation is either triggered by a document (doc, spreadsheet of presentation) or will result in a document. Using Quip I was able to cut the amount of email in about 50% and have only business critical meetings and make them much shorter. In this hour I will show you what Quip is, how I use it in my startup and answer any questions you might have.

This is an online meetup. Please register/RSVP yes and we will send you the zoom link 2 days before the event.

Sultanmyrza Kasymbekov
Candice Cheng
Korver Huang
Davina Shi
Joannie Huang