標題: 亂中有序的開源協作
日期: 10/23 19:30 - 21:30
地點: 三創生活園區 11樓
19:00 - 19:30 報到
19:30 - 19:35 Open UP Summit 介紹
19:35 - 19:45 暖身活動
19:45 - 20:15 Cross-Cultural Coding, Tom Fifield
20:15 - 20:45『Cofacts 真的假的』亂中有序的開放設計, Lucien Lee
20:45 - 21:00 QA
21:00 - 21:30 交流時間
| Topic
Cross-Cultural Coding
| Abstract
You've done everything best practice: CI/CD, Testing, code review, but something's not right. People from different countries get into strange arguments, go silent for weeks at a time, or abandon their patch during a discussion. Attend this talk to become a cross-cultural coder and find out how our upbringings and societal expectations influence how we interact in open source.
| Language
| Speaker
Tom Fifield, Consultant
| Bio
Tom Fifield is an expert in large scale distributed infrastructure (eg cloud computing), open source software and particularly the strategic aspects to do both successfully. He has a wealth of stories from years of working on international projects and navigating cultural nuances to build and manage global teams.
| Topic
「真的假的!震驚13億人的開源專案原來是這樣設計!」 - 『Cofacts 真的假的』亂中有序的開放設計
| Abstract
Cofacts 真的假的是一個開源協作型事實查核平台,我們利用人們在 Line 上喜歡轉傳分享的行為,打造了闢謠聊天機器人,試圖協助大眾增進媒體識讀能力,然而平台背後並不是一個公司,而是人員流動來去的無償開源專案。
| Language
| Speaker
李柏緯 Lucien Lee (鹿尋), Cofacts 真的假的 共同發起人 / 設計師
| Bio