2020她愛科技全球創業大賽將於線上舉辦! 六大洲30+國家舉辦全球分站賽,且完全線上進行!
這次的港澳台分區賽,因為是第一次舉辦,我們特別邀請到去年在香港參加分區賽的Jessica Liu跟我們分享她的參賽經驗及英文pitch的技巧。在這次的線上分享會上,SheLovesTech的共同創辦人Rhea See也會跟我們簡介這個競賽的過去舉辦過程與成果。期待更多女生創辦的新創因為這個比賽得到更多資源。
Jessica Liu:
Jessica 是Planto創始成員之一。 2019代表Planto 團隊參加SheLovesTech 比賽 並贏得區域賽冠軍。 Planto是一家金融科技公司,使用大數據和A.I協助亞洲年輕人實現理財目標。 Jessica曾在匯豐銀行擔任副總裁,也在一家私募股公司任職,參與多項併購工作及創業投資交易。她是香港Women in Tech和 Google的 Women Techmakers成員之一,積極參與多項女性倡導活動。她也熱愛音樂,曾經是後搖滾樂隊的主唱。
關於Planto: https://www.planto.tw/zh
Rhea See:
Rhea See | Co-Founder, She Loves Tech Rhea See is a social entrepreneur from the Philippines. She is the Co-Founder of She Loves Tech, a global platform which houses world's largest startup competition for women & technology. Through technology and entrepreneurship, she strives to mobilise more people into creating a sustainable world where everyone’s needs are met. Rhea has worked internationally in the fields of marketing, public relations and philanthropy - Parinama Cultural Development Foundation, Edelman, Estée Lauder Companies, Lean In China, etc. Rhea was recognised as a Global Shaper by the World Economic Forum. She joins other Shapers who play an active role in shaping local, regional and global agendas. She is also frequently invited to speak and mentor by top organisations like Intel, LinkedIn, Ant Financial, Bytedance, Beijing Women’s Federation, Slush, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Startup Grind and more.
施佳仪 |施佳儀 | 她愛科技聯合創始人 施佳儀女士(Rhea See)是一位來自菲律賓的社會企業家。她是“她愛科技”(She Loves Tech)的聯合創始人,她愛科技是一個舉辦全球規模最大的女性科技創業大賽的國際平台。通過科技和創業,她動員和感召更多人去創造一個人人需求皆可被滿足的可持續發展社會。施女士曾在國際化的市場營銷、公共關係和慈善等領域工作——分別就職於迴向文化發展基金會、愛德曼國際公關公司、雅詩蘭黛公司、勵媖中國等公司和機構。施女士是世界經濟論壇的 Global Shaper(全球傑出青年)。她加入了那些在塑造地方、區域和全球發展進程方面發揮著積極作用的全球塑造者行列。她還經常被英特爾、領英、螞蟻金服、字節跳動、北京市婦女聯合會、Slush、電氣與電子工程師協會、創業磨坊等頂級機構邀請發言並擔任導師。
About SheLovesTech 2020:
She Loves Tech Global Startup Competition is officially back with 30+ rounds worldwide. Join the world’s best tech entrepreneurs at the world’s largest startup #competition for women and technology!
Do you have a startup with an MVP and have raised less than US$5M? Do you have an early-stage tech startup that is women-led or women impact? Take your startup to the next level with us. 🚀
2000+ startups have joined in the past, with winners enjoying increased investor and media attention, as well as access to powerful networks worldwide, so why not you?
🎖The global winner will receive an equity-free cash prize of US$15,000, special media and mentorship prizes, fast track access to our partner funds and accelerator programs, and in-house advisory services. More prizes to be revealed soon.
Apply here - shelovestech.org/competition - and we're looking forward to learning more about your startup!