Step into the AI Wave: Words from an Industry Newbie
09/30/2017 (Sat) 01:45 - 04:30
12 / 30
Jane Shih
Event Information

人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)來了! 科技的進步超乎想像,十年來,人們創造出智慧手機、手錶、無人駕駛...等科技。它不像科幻電影中所知道的機器人,但它目前就在你、我的日常生活和工作,只要上網搜尋資料、購物、使用服務,或是打開手機使用 APP,我們就在和人工智慧互動。

你知道在美國只有 3% 的 AI 專長畢業生是女生?在台灣,AI 的討論才正在興起,相關教育與就業環境還沒真的準備好。我們為了要讓女生了解這也是很棒的科技職涯路,特別找了美國的 GIT 志工 Susana Craig 一起從 8/26 起在Girls in Tech Taiwan 舉辦一系列的 AI Web Series 活動,第六場9/30邀請到 Joanne Tseng, Data Scientist Appdiff分享 "新手進入AI浪潮的建議"。Joanne是機器學習工程師,在去年被徵選到Girls in Tech x Silicon Valley Internship Program至矽谷的公司Appdiff實習一年至今,收穫很多。她除了會跟我們分享他自己如何在沒有資工背景或博士學歷進入到機器學習與資料科學的領域,也會講講在矽谷新創的資料科學家都在做什麼。

Ting-Yun (Joanne) Tseng, Data Scientist Appdiff 

Personal Bio:

Joanne Tseng (Ting-Yun) is a Data Scientist at Appdiff. She has worked in two different startups help building data pipeline with ML-integrated solutions. She believes that a successful AI system must embody data lifecycle as a whole. This includes question-initiated decisioning of how and what data is collected, to designing of the automated pipeline for data preprocessing, cleaning, and modeling


9:45am 入場

10:00am 分享開始

Talk Description:
Data Science is a multidisciplinary field consisting of Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science and even some specific domain knowledge based on what problem you are solving. It’s often the case that a single individual cannot be equipped with all the requirements when entering the field.
This talk is mainly about how I, a non-CS major with pure Mathematics and Statistical background, worked through 2 startups as a Data Scientist/ Machine Learning Engineer and along the way gradually picked up those missing skillsets. I will also share what it is like to be a Data Scientist in a startup and some essential skills I found necessary if you are seeking for similar opportunities.

12:30pm 離場


*由於SD Coworking的座位有限,請盡快預約。入場費/人:NTD$400(含餐與場地費,請備現金)

*全程英文 (This is an English meetup. We'll host the meetup at SD Coworking The entry fee is NTD$400/person, 30 seats only.)

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