Facebook #SheMeansBusiness 2018專案中,Girls in Tech Taiwan主辦的Messenger Chatbot Train the Trainer(儲備講師訓練)會在5/26-5/27舉行。儲備講師需具備的資格請見以下詳述。這個訓練完成後,講師們會跟我們今年八月,九月到台中及台北舉辦女生科技創業的聊天機器人研習營,想要參加訓練的儲備講師請至少確定8月底,9月的週末有空可以支援活動喔。
Facebook特別讓講師Rod Nolan從加拿大飛來指導我們,我們也會請Renee Yeh隨堂翻譯。全程免費,機會難得,有心想要成為#SheMeansBusiness技術型講師的妳/你,請趕快報名喔!
Tentative Agenda
- Messenger Platform training
- No individual teach back sessions and no individual feedback
- Before the end of the day, assign people to groups for group presentations (4 – 5 max)
- Provide a skeleton of a presentation outline
- a short list of two or three points/questions will be provided to ponder overnight. Candidates will join their group members in the morning, share their ideas and build a team presentation that covers the best of everyone’s ideas.
- 9am – 11am: groups work on presentations together
- 11am – 12pm: 2 group presentations
- 12pm – 1pm: lunch
- 1pm – 3pm: up to 4 group presentations
- 3pm – 3:30pm: presentation feedback (led by me) and training session wrap up
- 3:30pm – 5pm: fireside chat to encourage sharing of success stories with possible participation from local DevC lead
Trainer Prerequisites (儲備講師需具備的條件,我們會在您報名後,送出表單填寫資料,以作初步篩選,預計最終通知25位進行訓練)
Technical Experience (required)
Technical Experience (bonus)
Community Leadership Experience(bonus)
Rod Nolan has been a developer and technical instructor for over 15 years. Over his long career he has trained hundreds of students on web and mobile application development using a wide variety of tools, platforms and frameworks. Leveraging his deep experience as a technical instructor, he has built numer