Blockchains and the new, exciting career opportunities
05/05/2017 (Fri)
三創 11 樓 / SYNTREND 11F,
台北市中正區市民大道三段2號 / 11F., No.2, Sec. 3, Civic Blvd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan21 / 60

Event Information
* what’s unique and valuable about the blockchain
* areas of interest for blockchain-related careers in the financial and non-financial sectors
* Q&A
About Sean:
Sean Moss-Pultz is the co-founder and CEO of Bitmark Inc. a Taiwan-based startup that empowers universal digital ownership so we can live free online. He is an expert in developing technology for consumer electronics and Internet services, especially blockchain related projects. Prior to Bitmark Inc., he was a senior executive for EMQ Limited, a financial technology startup. Recognized as a pioneer of open-source hardware, Moss-Pultz launched and was CEO of Openmoko Inc., the first open-source phone and a precursor to iPhone and Android smartphones. He has led his dedicated team of specialists across a number of successful projects. Many of them have now joined him at Bitmark Inc. Moss-Pultz holds bachelor’s degrees in mathematics and physics from UC San Diego.
Note: Bring your resume if you are interested to apply for internships
Entry Fee: $300/person(includes food/drinks)